Night At The Museum Blog

My team and I were presenting at the Night At The Museum from 6 to 6:30

Our team presented our project very well and the people we explained our project too were impressed. Each team member brought their own unique feature to the table that tied in with the overarching theme. We did a good job identifying what people might be interested in rech related details and which viewers might just want to play around with the viisuals. For our techy viewers, we explained tokens and our log in system, even checking user status with, as well as explaing some key code and the project features were created.

Some key take aways from NATM were as a team, we could have organized our features better, the pathing through the site was sub optimal and first time viewers found difficulty in navigating the website. We are working to fix this by moving key features out of a timebox and onto the navbar, as well as including relevant links between features when necessary. Indivudually, most people enjoyed my feature, but being so simple it did not entertain for very long. Adding some more complexity and looping in some of my teams features could be an improvement, for example allowing users to save top decks to their collection or more variety and data to disect decks on. While very difficult, I think offering constructive points to user created decks wouuld also be very interesting.

Walking around the Comp Sci room I saw a lot of captivating projects, one group in particular had an extremely visually stunning project, their main premise was meme generation which was unique, however they only had a few features. The thing that was so great about their project to me was the detail, everything had hover animations and a clear color scheme, they had a custom styled navbar and each feature was easily accessable. I am hoping to replicate some of thier work in my own project to improve the overall experience of people exploring the site.

Outside of CS I visited photography and ceramics. One picture in particular in the photography building stood out to me. It was of an Asian forest or garden. It was such a perfect photo it made me think it was something out of a movie, it almost didn’t look like something that could exist in the wild. The photograph had perfect thirds and great lighting, together a beautiful photo.


