My Job In The Frontend

My teammates and I will be doing a Clash Royale themed submission for the CPT Project. I will be in charge of most of the frontend visual style and color scheme with constructing the interative elements such as tables and dragable objects with their correct styling. This will utilize my knowledge of html for the visual elements and mixed my java knowledge to create moveable tiles and interactive elements to engage the viewer. This will tie in with Ashwin and Dante’s features impriving the user interface and making them function. I will also help the backend developers when neccesary as we are a 5 person team, and I have experience from my last team on backend.

I’m very excited to deepen my knowledge of javascript, as I’m certain my job will not be an easy task. I will most likely need to collaborate with my team members and friends to create the functioning feature. I think this will be a fun learning experience for me.