
My scores stayed consistant between the two tests, both being in the mid 90% range. I achieved this high grade by participating in lessons to understand the topics, and reviewing my work for mistakes and misunderstandings to learn from. My prediction was right on target, my score was a total of 62/67. I breezed through the test which might have not been a good idea because it caused me to make a few simple mistakes. I even misread a problem and didn’t see it was a multiple answer question. I’ve created my question by question review bellow, each question number is linked to an image of the original in full.


Answer D is incorrect due to the information being able to be determined by comparing each student’s original average to the course grade after the lowest score was dropped. Without knowing the individual assignment scores, the administrator cannot determine any of the student’s individual scores other than the lowest score meaning that answer A is correct.


Answer A is incorrect because data sent over public networks can be intercepted and analyzed without tricking the user into providing personal information. Answer C is correct because phishing involves deceiving a user into divulging personal information. In this scenario, the user is misled into sharing their username and password with someone falsely claiming to be a technical support specialist who deceived the user.


This problem was very confusing for me to look at and visually understand but the college board explaination really helped me out. Explanation (From collegeboard): For example, assume that list1 contains [10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] and list2 contains [20, 20, 40, 60, 80]. The first line of code creates newList1, which contains [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]. The second line of code creates newList2, which contains [20, 40, 60, 80]. The third line of code creates bothList, which contains [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 20, 40, 60, 80]. The fourth line of code assigns to count the length of newList1 (6) plus the length of newList2 (4) minus the length of bothList (10), producing the incorrect result 0. The correct answer to the original problem was D because the code segment creates newList1, containing the unique elements from list1, and newList2, containing the unique elements from list2. These two lists are combined to form bothList. Any elements that appear in both lists are removed from bothList to form uniqueList. The correct count is the difference between the lengths of bothList and uniqueLis


At this point in the test I was rushing was wanted to be done, and must have missed that this was a selece TWO answers problem, I selected one which was right but missed the second (B). B is correct since x OR y evaluates to true, the body of the IF statement is executed. Since x is true, true is displayed.


This question was another select TWO answers, however this time I did answer twice, one was just wrong. I selecte B and C but the correct selection was B and D because y is initially negative, the loop condition count ≥ y is initially true, so the body of the loop is never executed and 0 is returned. C is incorrect because the procedure repeatedly adds -2 to result five times, resulting in the intended product -10.